Special Tips for Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery Patients




Shopping & Cooking

    1. Make a list:And stick to it!
    2. Protein:Meat can be expensive. When shopping for meat, don’t be afraid to shop the sales. If buying in bulk, which can be cheaper, freeze whatever you won’t use that week to save for later. Look for inexpensive sources of protein such as beans, lentils, canned/pouch tuna, peanut butter, and eggs.
    3. Produce: Buy your fruits and vegetables in its raw form. If it’s pre-packaged, you’ll pay for the convenience! For example, instead of buying the pre-cut baby carrots, buy the full-sized carrots and cut them yourself. A little extra work at home will save you a lot of money at the store.  Also, opt for produce that is in season. If your favorites are out of season, opt for its frozen version with no added ingredients, which is just as nutritious as fresh.
    4. Carbohydrates: Look for 100% whole wheat or whole grain; it’s typically the same price as it’s white counter-parts but is packed with more fiber to keep you fuller longer.
    5. Hydration: Skip the bottled water. Instead, invest in a good reusable water bottle and a water-filtration pitcher to save money and plastic waste in the long run.
    6. Buy generic brands:They are typically the same ingredients/nutrition as the brand name, but at a cheaper price.
    7. Don’t go hungry:Be sure you’ve had a nutritious meal or snack beforehand, so you’re not tempted by the chip and candy aisle as you’re walking by and throwing extras in your cart.



With all of the marketing in the stores these days, it can be hard to determine which products are best. To ensure you’re buying whole wheat/grain, look for “100% Whole Wheat/Grain” on the front of the packaging, and/or be sure that “Whole Wheat/grain” is the first ingredient listed on the ingredients list.


    1. Store tempting foods out of sight:Put these foods on the highest shelves of cabinets, or on the lowest shelves of the refrigerator so they will be less noticeable and harder to reach. Out of sight, out of mind! Keep your healthy foods and snacks stored at eye level so you’re more likely to grab those instead.
    2. Eliminate Distractions:Don't talk on the phone, read, or watch TV in the kitchen or while eating. Be mindful and pay attention while you’re eating.
    3. Make your plate in the kitchen:For meals, bring your portioned plate to the dinner table. For snacks, don’t eat right out of the bag or container.  To ensure fullness at meals and snacks after bariatric surgery start with protein first, then non-starchy vegetables, then move on to your fruit/starchy vegetable/carbohydrate.
    4. Eat and don't be afraid of food: Food is the fuel for our bodies. While we are losing weight, it is important to incorporate balanced meals instead of swearing off certain foods or food groups. Remember, if your health habits are not sustainable, the results won’t be either!
    5. Beating cravings: Are you hungry, or just bored? Maybe it’s a habit? There are many different reasons why we get cravings! Next time you’re feeling a craving ask yourself “Have I drank enough water today?”, “Have I ate enough protein today?” “Is there something else I could do instead; like going for a walk, reading a book, or cleaning around the house?” Try to find the patterns that lead to your cravings, so you can avoid them in the future!


Eating out


Importance of Protein


Movement and Exercise


Coping with Nausea

It is not abnormal to deal with nausea in the early months following bariatric surgery. There are a number of causes that may include not chewing food thoroughly, eating too fast, eating too much at one time, eating solid foods too soon following surgery, food intolerance, low fluid intake, stenosis or stricture, use of NSAIDS, dumping syndrome, or sensitivity to odors.

If you experience nausea that causes you to vomit, it is important to contact your healthcare provider quickly to find resolution. If you are just dealing with nausea, below are some tips that may be helpful.

Helpful Tips